Organization & Cleaning Maria Lorena Organization & Cleaning Maria Lorena

Garage Workout Area + Organization Tips

Since having our little one, we've been wanting a place that we could go to easily go to exercise. We weren't willing to give up room inside the house for our little home gym, so the garage was the only space available. We also wanted to make sure that we would still be able to park both our cars in the garage - with a two car garage, this was no easy feat. Read on to see our finished space!

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Organization & Cleaning, Cleaning Maria Lorena Organization & Cleaning, Cleaning Maria Lorena

Five Simple Ways to Keep your Kitchen Clean

The kitchen is the heart of the home in our house. It's the place we gather around as a family daily and share about our day. Whenever we have family and friends over, you'll always find us gathered around our kitchen island, enjoying good food and company. Needless to say, this little area of our home gets quite a bit of traffic and can get dirty fast if you don't keep up with it.

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Organization & Cleaning Maria Lorena Organization & Cleaning Maria Lorena

10 Things you need to Declutter from Your Home Right Now

Ready to start off the new year with a bang?!

Have you been wanting to work on decluttering your home but haven't been able to get motivated or found the time?

Well today is the day we can change that! I've created a checklist of just 10 things that you need to declutter from your home. It will help take your home from messy to an organization dream!

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Organization & Cleaning, Organization Maria Lorena Organization & Cleaning, Organization Maria Lorena

7 Simple Steps for Organizing your Closet

I've been keeping myself busy, organizing 6 out of the 8 closets in our home in just under a month. And I even tackled our pantry which if you followed my stories on Instagram (@housebythepreserve) you know it was no easy feat! With all the closet organizing that I've been doing, I've gotten quite good at tackling the space quickly and efficiently.

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