Refreshing My Home after the Holidays
Resetting my home after the holiday season is over is one of my favorite ways to breathe new life into our space. Although Christmas time is my favorite holiday of the year, by the time January rolls around I find myself longing for a fresh start.
A Simple Winter Home Decor Refresh for your Home and Wallet!
Do you find it hard to decorate your home after taking down all of the Christmas decor?
I always find that once Thanksgiving has come and gone, I'm itching to take out all of my Christmas decorations and start filling my home with holiday cheer. With that same type of enthusiasm, I'm ready to take it all down once the new year rolls along. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE decorating for Christmas, even more so that I have kids. But I also love the feeling of a refresh after I put all of the holiday decor away.