My New Home Office Corner
Happy Monday! I hope you had a great weekend. We had quite an eventful one as both of our kiddos were sick. I did get to work on a small makeover that had been driving me crazy so I'm super pumped that I can finally cross it off my list.
My office space has moved to all areas of the home as we continue to grow into this house. I first had it in a closet in a bedroom/playroom space, then when we found out we were having our second baby, we made that room her nursery and enclosed our lanai so that we could turn that into my office/playroom. At the beginning of last year, my husband (who typically worked from home) got a new job that would require him to go into the office. So, our dedicated home office/guest room because my work space since my husband didn't need the space anymore.
Office #1
Office #2
As we all know, that only lasted for about 3 months as covid hit and everything was shut down and my husband started working from home again. Over the past year, I've been telling myself that I would tackle this space whenever my husband went back to work. It's been well over a year now and I'm finally just tackling the space instead of waiting for things to happen because honestly, I'm can't take this space looking like this much longer:
Yep…this is how this corner of our guest/office currently looks like. Don't get me wrong, I have been able to do some things to this room since we decided to turn it into our shared office/guest room. I scored this Thomasville desk off Facebook marketplace for less than $100 and I painted the walls and ceiling this beautiful shade of light blue (a compromise with the hubby).
I really like the color and the direction the room is going, just not liking how long it's taking! I've decided to tackle this room one corner at time and today I'm finally going to tackle this little corner.
We are repurposing some shelving that we've taken out from the other side of the wall and although I love the stain, I don't love how it all looks together. It's a little too farmhouse style for me.
This is honestly where I got stuck after I painted the room and purchased the desk. I just didn't know how to tie in the shelves with the more traditional look I was going after. I took a several month break to come up with a game plan.
Then I remembered that Alisa from A Glass of Bovino @aglassofbovino (if you're not following her, you should!) had just revealed her bathroom and had DIY'd these beautiful shelves with brass hardware. She had routed the edges to give a super special touch which gave them a traditional look. Just the look that I was going after. So, I borrowed my dad's router and got to work!
Routed the edges, spray painted my shelf brackets gold, and painted the wood shelves the same color as the wall. LOVE how these turned out!
Not bad for a day’s work, right? Stay tuned for even more posts regarding this room as I continue to tackle it corner by corner.
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I’m a mom of two and wife to a seriously supportive hubby, living our best life in our forever house by the preserve! I'm all about helping you create a stylish, pinterest-worthy home on a budget. Let's obsess over interior design, home decor, DIY, and home improvement projects to help you create your best home. Follow along and say hello! I love hearing from you.
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